Amal Al Harbi

Amal Al Harbi

Director of Nursing in Corporate Nursing & Midwifery Education Department

Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) in Qata

My current role is Director of Nursing in Corporate Nursing & Midwifery Education Department at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) in Qatar. I hold my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Qatar University on 2001 and Master of Nursing (leadership & Management program) from University of Calgary at Qatar (UCQ) in 2018. I started work at HMC since 2001 as staff nurse and charge nurse for 6 years in the cardiology department (Cardiothoracic high dependent unit, CTICU & ICUs) During my work in the clinical area, this helps me to builds my both clinical & managerial knowledge and skill towards direct patient care such as communication with different disciplinary colleague’s patient family engagement, decision making, conflict management, managing staff patient ratio & skill mix etc...

Then, from 2009 I start working as Nurse Educator that also builds my leadership skills through led, facilitate, and providing different educational programs and activities. Also, I been selected for external recruitment mission for heart hospital & participated in different Committees in our nursing and midwifery department and heart hospital. 

I initiated the first leadership Nursing and Midwifery Confirmation of Clinical Competence Evidence for corporate HN leadership & Management program 2019

I am first Qatari who led different educational programs and activities such as:

    • Led 3 months of TOT (Train of Trainer) leadership for change program (LFC) 2014
    • led for 1st Digital library program at Heart hospital and as train trainer for corporate facilities.
    • Interprofessional simulation-based training in 2011 for heart hospital staff.

I worked as one of organizer members from Nursing and Midwifery education in:

    • Corporate Nursing & Midwifery Education Department symposium 2019
    • 1st Academic Health System (AHS) in HMC in the Continuing Education Symposium for Healthcare Educators in Qatar (CHEQ 2014).

I am one of members who got Stars of Excellent Employee Awards and Recognition Program in:

    • 2012 HMC Education Award for Innovations in Nursing Education
    • 2014 “Adult inpatient satisfaction of nursing services” of LFC

I am one of ICN- GNLI Alumni in EMRO who graduated in 2021.  I represented 600 of Calgary Alumni for Year of the Nurse and Midwife campaign in UCQ 2020. Participated in the ICN – senior leadership program Nursing Now - Qatar in 2018. Participated as speaker (pre-recorded with live Q&A) in the first international Nursing Conference in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq 2021.

 Recently, I am Leading Corporate Leadership & Management project that aimed to deliver Corporate Head Nurse (HN) leadership & Management Program and lead Corporate educational activity for Home Health Care Services. I am board Member in Qatari Nursing Association I been selected as UCQ alumni president in 2023.