The Examinations Timetable will be posted around campus approximately one month before the examination period.
Your Responsibilities
- It is your responsibility to know the rules and regulations regarding exams
- You must be available for examinations up to the last day of the exam period
- Request to write an exam can be denied if you have not completed a substantial portion of the course work or if you are not official registered in the course
- For complete exam policies visit: ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/g.html
Exam Process
What should you bring?What should you not bring?
- REQUIRED - UCQ Student ID card or Qatar ID
- Pencils and pens
- Items as directed by your instructor
- A CLEAR plastic cup for drinking water
- No label
- No other containers permitted
- Mobile phones
- Cameras
- iPods or other listening devices
- Devices with wireless internet access
- Good luck charms
- Items prohibited by your instructor (e.g. notebooks)
Start of the Exam
- Arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled exam
- Exams will begin promptly at the time on the exam schedule
- All exams will be written in the gym unless otherwise noted
- All students MUST remain in the exam room for the first 30 minutes
- If you are more than 30 minutes late you will not be allowed in the exam room
During the Exam
You must NOT:PENALTIES for offences include:
- Speak or communicate with anyone other than the exam invigilators
- Use prohibited items
- Allow your answers to be seen by other students
- Attempt to read and/or copy another student’s answers
- Suspension
- Expulsion
- Other penalties as determined by the Dean
End of the Exam
- No student will be permitted to leave the room during the last 15 minutes
- Students MUST stop writing when the invigilator indicates the exam is over – if a student continues to write, the exam may be rejected
- Once your exam is handed in, you cannot request a cancellation for any reason
- Once your exam is handed in, deferred examination requests will be denied
- If leaving exam room early, do not create excessive noise while leaving
Deferred Exams
Deferred examinations are allowed for:
- Illness
- Religious conviction
- Domestic situations
- having three final exams within a 24-hour period
Deferred examinations are not allowed for:
- misreading of the examination timetable
- Travel/vacation plans
- Any reason not expressly included in the ‘allowed' list
If you are unable to attend an examination at the scheduled time you must notify the instructor prior to the examination time. Please note that you may be required to submit supporting documentation (e.g. doctor’s note). Supporting documentation will be required within 2 days of the missed final examination.
The final authority to grant or deny a deferred final examination lies with Student Services. For more information on deferral of examinations, please visit Student Services. Please be aware that your application for deferral may be denied if you have had multiple deferral requests. In some cases, you may be requested to meet with the Associate Dean or an advisor prior to approval.
Guidelines for the Prevention of Cheating During Examinations
Academic Misconduct
The University of Calgary in Qatar (UCQ) considers cheating during examinations serious academic misconduct with serious implications for students’ academic standing at UCQ.
The term “examination” also includes classroom tests or other forum whether student knowledge/skills are being assessed, tested or evaluated.
What constitutes cheating during examinations?
Examples include:
- Speaking to other students or communicating with them under any circumstances whatsoever
- Bringing into the examination room or making use of any textbooks, notebooks, memorandum, other written material not authorized by the instructor/examiner
- Bringing into the examination room or making use of any mechanical or electronic device or equipment not authorized by the instructor/examiner; such devices or equipment may include, but are not limited to: calculators, cameras, electronic dictionaries, cell-phones, computers, laptops, ipads, head sets, pagers, MP3 players, and PDAs
- Leaving examination papers intentionally exposed to view by other students
- Attempting to read other students’ test or examination papers
Actions by invigilators or examiners upon suspecting cheating
Bring student’s behavior to another invigilator’s or instructor of Record’s attention.
If concerns are verified:
- The instructor will confiscate (seize, remove) the examination paper(s)
- The instructor will ask the student to leave the examination room
- Those who witnessed the incident will document it
- The instructor will report the incident to the Associate Dean in writing
Consequences of Cheating
If proven, consequences of cheating may include a combination of the following penalties:
- Getting a zero or reduced grade in the examination
- Being suspended or expelled from UCQ
Actions to Prevent Cheating
- Instructors will share these guidelines with students
- Instructors will post the guidelines on D2L
- Student Services will place these guidelines in UCQ’s Student Handbook
- Instructors will review them in class
- Prior to examinations, students will be requested not to bring food or personal belongings to the examination room; they will be reminded at exam time to place their personal belongings at the front of the exam room (example: purses, handbags, backpacks)
- Instructor or invigilator will review these guidelines before the commencement of the examination
- These guidelines will serve as the cover page of mid-term and final exams printed in YELLOW. This version will have a signature line for students to sign and date
Note: Checking of abayas, shailas, or thobs or body patting down will not be conducted