Student and Clinical Placement Policies

Attendance and Dress Policy

The following policies apply to all UCQ students and can also be found in your student handbook.

The UCQ Student Attendance policy applies to all students enrolled in the Foundation, BNRT and PDBN programs including theory, laboratory, simulation and practicum sessions and courses.

  • Student attendance and punctuality for ALL theory courses, labs, simulations, and practicums are mandatory. 
  • Students who miss more than an accumulation of 10% of any given course such as theory, lab, simulation or clinical may not be permitted to continue in the course. 
  • Students who have missed more than 10%, who have a valid excuse, as determined by the Associate Dean Academic or designate, may be granted a deferral of term work and offered accommodation pending availability of resources.
  • Please see full policy for more details.

General Policy:  In keeping with the culture in Qatar, students will ensure coverage of shoulders, chest, upper legs and knees at all times.

Clinical and Laboratory Dress Code Policy: Applies to all students enrolled in UCQ Nursing program.

  • “Clinical area” refers to all clinical environments including but not limited to:
  • Laboratory and Simulation at the Experiential Learning Center
  • Clinical sites for practicum: hospitals, nursing home, and other care centers
  • UCQ uniforms are required at all times in the clinical setting and in the Experiential Learning Center.
  • Some agencies may have unit-specific dress policies. Students are expected to follow the unit-specific policy if it differs from UCQ policy.
  • Please see fully policy for more details

Clinical Placement Policies

Students may be required to complete clinical experience at sites other than the location of their residence including urban or rural settings. Clinical placements may be scheduled at various hours, including evenings, nights, and weekends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking, and accommodation costs related to clinical practicums.

Participation in all activities that are related to clinical courses is mandatory.

Failure to fully participate in clinical and tutorial sessions will be reviewed by the instructor and may result in a failing grade.

Missing one or more lab/clinical days will put you at risk of failing the course.

Non-attendance may result in your removal from the course.

Normally, students will not be permitted to withdraw from a clinical/lab course in order to avoid a failing grade.

Assessment of clinical performance is based largely on day-to-day performance.


  • are accountable for the standard of care they provide
  • are expected to have knowledge, skill and judgement to perform safely, effectively and ethically in the clinical settings
  • are expected to know and acknowledge the limits of their competence and to seek assistance, direction and supervision as necessary
  • should be familiar with the policies and procedures of the clinical area
  • must not use mobile phones in the clinical area

Faculty members have the authority to remove a student from the clinical area for unsafe clinical practice or inappropriate behaviour. The Associate Dean will be consulted or informed about any such situation or action. A student who wishes to appeal such a decision will follow the appeals process as outlined in the Academic Calendar.

The nurse to patient/client relationship places nurses and nursing students in a privileged position of accessing confidential information concerning patients, clients and classmates. Nurses and nursing students have a professional, moral and legal obligation to maintain strict confidentiality of any client/patient information or data. Students admitted to the University of Calgary in Qatar are required to sign a "Schedule B Acknowledgement and Undertaking" form.

Clinical Identification:

Your UCQ student ID must be worn at all times while in the clinical area. If you lose your UCQ Student ID Card or it needs to be replaced for any reason, contact Maha in Student Services. See the ID Cards page for more information on ordering a replacement ID card.


Clinical Placement Dress Code Policy:

Hospital, Long-Term Care, and Other In-Patient Centres:  Uniforms are required for practice in hospitals, nursing homes, and other care centres. Some clinical agencies may have unique unit-specific dress policies. specific instructions will be provided at orientation.


Home Care and community Health Practice:

Students will be conservatively and appropriately dressed for all clinical activities in any health care setting. Se course outlines or agency guidelines for specific details related to these expectations.


You are strongly encouraged to avoid wearing your uniform in public places and should cover the uniform before leaving the clinical setting.

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Certifications:

All students will be required to submit proof of current CPR Certification before they begin clinical practice courses. Students will be responsible for obtaining course training and certification. Students are responsible for re-certification every 2 years. Costs are the responsibility of the student.

Failure to provide adequate proof of CPR Certification by the add/drop deadline will prevent registration in clinical courses. Should CPR Certification lapse at some point during the clinical courses, without re-certification you will be removed from the clinical courses, which may delay graduation.


All students must complete the Appendix A – UCQ Immunization form. All listed immunizations and screening tests are necessary to work in hospitals or other health care facilities. You are expected to keep your immunizations up to date and must provide proof of such updates to UCQ.

Failure to provide adequate proof of immunization by the add/drop deadline will prevent registration in clinical courses. Should immunizations expire at some point during the clinical courses and is not updated you will be removed from the clinical courses, which may delay your graduation.

Talk to the clinical coordinator if you have any questions or concerns regarding CPR or Immunizations