UCQ - Middle East's First Academic Best Practice Spotlight Organization (AcBPSO).


  • Academic BPSO is responsible for leading curriculum development using Best Practice Guidelines (BPGs) as a foundational tool for teaching & preparing nursing students to make evidence informed decisions that can lead to the best patient and family outcomes. Preparing nurses for evidence-based care in Qatar is a key outcome for graduates of the University of Calgary in Qatar
  • Students who learn about Evidence Based Practice (EBP) and BPGs in their nursing education can transfer this knowledge when they transition to their career as a registered nurse. Students can see how research & evidence is transferred to the bedside.
  • In our curriculum, BPGs are threaded into all theoretical & practice-based courses to support student learning about how to identify, access, select, apply, and evaluate evidence.

Become a BPSO Champion Now!

What is the Best Practice Champions Network?
Thousands of nurses and other healthcare providers who are passionate about evidence-based practice and improving care in their organizations. Once an individual completes the best practice champion training, they are automatically registered in the network!

All students and faculty are invited to become champions!

RNAO offers two options for becoming a champion:

Option 1:

A two-part virtual workshop

Learn more

Option 2:

E-Leaning Course

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