Type of Course

Minimum Grade Required

Lab Courses (L)

  • Course must be repeated before progressing


Clinical Courses (C)

  • Course must be repeated before progressing


Non-Lab/Non-Clinical Courses (N)

  • Course must be repeated before progressing


Support (S) Courses

  • Support courses must be repeated


Nursing Elective (E) Courses

  • Elective courses may be repeated or another elective taken in its place


NURS 221/222

  • Course must be repeated before progressing


Degree Progress and Satisfactory Academic Standing:

Academic Performance is assessed at the end of each fall, winter and spring term for BNRT students.

The GPA of Nursing Foundations Courses will not be used for progression in the nursing programs

Satisfactory Academic Standing:

                       BNRT (year 1 and 2):                           Minimum GPA 2.00

                       BNRT (year 3 and 4):                           Minimum GPA 2.50

Students will be advised in writing if they fail to maintain satisfactory academic standing

Dean’s List:

The Dean’s List is compiled annually to recognize outstanding academic achievement. To be included on the Dean’s List a student must achieve a grade point average of 3.60 or higher in at least nine credits in each of the previous Fall and Winter terms*. A statement of inclusion is recorded on a student’s transcript.

*Students in the Winter Cohort will have nursing courses taken in terms 5, 8 and 9 considered in the calculation, in addition to the Winter and Fall terms.


Unsatisfactory Student Standing:

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on academic probation (for a maximum of one academic year) if:

  • The following GPA is received:

                      BNRT (year 1 and 2):                           1.70-1.99

                      BNRT (year 3 and 4):                           2.00-2.49

  • If you are required to repeat any nursing course, regardless of GPA

Students on Probation

  • UCQ may refuse a student’s course registration if the student shows a lack of educational attainment
  • Students on Academic Probation may be permitted to proceed to higher level non-clinical nursing courses with the consent of the Associate Dean
  • Satisfactory standing will be reinstated if the required cumulative GPA over all courses taken since and including those on previous review is achieved OR student successfully repeats the nursing course

Students will be allowed academic probationary status only once during their program.

A student, whose performance in the clinical area, classroom, tests, or final exams is unsatisfactory may at any time, be required to withdraw from the program.


Required to Withdraw:

Students will be required to withdraw if:

The following GPA is received:

                       BNRT (year 1 and 2):                           Less than 1.70

                       BNRT (year 3 and 4):                           Less than 2.00

  • A student on probation fails to achieve the required cumulative GPA over all courses taken since and including those on their previous review
  • A student on probation fails to obtain satisfactory standing in any subsequent nursing course, regardless of cumulative GPA
  • A student has over 30 units of withdrawals while in attendance at University of Calgary in Qatar

Students required to withdraw may not apply for re-admission for 12 months following their withdrawal. Written application must be made to the Dean.

Please visit the full policy for more details.