Application checklist
Attachments to submit along with the application for the Faculty SEED grant.
The purpose of the SSG is to foster faculty capacity by providing funding to conduct basic and applied research in teaching and learning, practice, tool development, translational research evaluation research, and system-related research with partners in the community. This funding is not provided for research limited to the review of the literature.
The SSG will offer one-time funding for up to CAD $10,000. Examples of projects for which applicants can seek funding include:
a) Research aligned with the University of Calgary in Qatar strategic initiatives;
b) Research to examine current teaching and learning and clinical practices;
c) Pilot studies that can support larger grants (example: tool development); and
d) Additional types of research directed at the National Health Strategy 2018-2022, Qatar National Research Strategy (QNRS) 2013, and QNRS 2014 (link).
Faculty holding full-time appointments are eligible. An applicant must demonstrate in his/her application, the ability for the individual and /or team to complete the activity before the end of their contracts.
Note: Please check the Research Grant Application Timeline.
For more information about evaluation and post-award, please consult the SSG Request For Proposal (RFP) - Cycle 6
Attachments to submit along with the application for the Faculty SEED grant.
Not to exceed 12 pages including budget and reference.
Click here to download the Department Approval form.
Click here to download the Interna/External Peer Review Process and Feedback Form.
All research funding applications to be prepared by principal investigators (PIs) in UCQ must undergo an external peer-review process.
A minimum of two peer reviewers is required.
Please find below the list of available Peer Reviewers.
Note: The peer-reviewers comments must be attached to the application.
Please review the application checklist before you begin.
Collection of personal information
Your personal information is collected under
the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If
you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please visit our
Access to Information page.