Advanced Nurse Practitioner/Nursing Pain Services- HMC
Email: aaltawafsheh@hamad.qa
Dr. Atef joined HMC in October 2012 as the first Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in Pain Management in Qatar and moved to the role of an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) in September 2015. He is responsible for overseeing the daily operation of Nursing Pain Team as well as the strategic direction of the nursing pain services at HMC.
Prior to joining HMC in Doha, Dr. Atef was working with the In-Patient Pain management Services as a CNS for Pain Management at the University College London Hospitals NHS Trust (UCLH), London-UK.
Dr. Atef studied his BSc in Nursing at Jordan University of Science and Technology. He completed his MSc in pain management from the University of Leicester- UK. He also completed his PhD in acute pain management from the University of Nottingham- UK. He holds an Adjunct Assistant Professor role with the University of Calgary- Qatar, Honorary Clinical Lecturer with the University College London (UCL) – UK and holds a registration license with the Nursing & Midwifery Council- UK.
Dr. Atef has extensive experience in acute, chronic and cancer pain management, and his main expertise has been in acute pain services for the past 14 years. His main research and audit interests are in acute pain services, pain management outcomes, pain in the developing countries, barriers to cancer pain, and nurses’ knowledge regrading pain. He has presented many of his research and audits in international journals and conferences.
Dr. Atef developed the HMC Nursing Pain Management Transformation Plan and established the HMC Pain Management Nursing Network Committee (PMNMN). He also established the advanced pain management modalities at HMC and has had a key role in upholding the corporate standards of pain management nursing practice.
Dr. Atef established the pain education programs for nurses at HMC in 2013, organized the 1st Nursing Acute Pain Management Symposium in 2013, and the 1st joint “SPIN/HMC Pain Management Symposium” in 2014. He was also a member in the organizing committee and the scientific advisor for the 1st and 2nd Qatar International Pain Conferences held in 2015 and 2017 in Doha.
Dr. Atef is a member of the British Pain Society-UK, the Anglo-Jordanian Society- London and the Specialists in Pain International Network-UK (SPIN). He is the Chair of the PMNMN and Co-Chair of the Advanced Nursing & Midwifery Practice Network Committee at HMC.
Dr. Atef is passionate about promoting advanced nursing practice at HMC. He mentored many CNSs-Interns to develop the next generation of CNSs to gain the relevant skills and experience needed to improve patients’ outcome. He is also passionate about raising the profile of ANPs and CNSs in Qatar and believes strongly in the potential role of ANPs and CNSs in promoting the quality and safety of pain management for patients’ benefits.